Saturday, May 12, 2018


Here's a verb that caught my attention recently, occurring in three mass readings during this past week: 

In Acts 14:22, Paul and his companions visited the towns where they had already preached, and "they strengthened the hearts of the disciples." 

In 15:32, Silas and a disciple named Judas "exhorted and strengthened the brothers with many words."

In 15:41 Paul "traveled through Syria and Cilicia strengthening the
Paul's Missionary Journeys

In In 18:23 Paul "traveled through the Galatian country, bringing strength to all the disciples."

The word, episterizo, is made up of the prefix epi- "upon," and sterix, "a prop, support;" the idea is "to make lean upon" and thus to strengthen or confirm someone. 

I love the image of Paul, Silas and the other missionaries traveling around to visit the brothers and sisters whom they had converted a while ago, and strengthening" them in their faith by inviting them to "lean" on the apostles. I think of the song, "Lean on me."

How often do you or I strengthen people around us by offering them a "support" to lean on? When we do so, we should realize that we Christians have been doing that for one another since the days of the apostles. It's a beautiful tradition that we can hand on to the next generation by setting the example of supporting one another.

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