Saturday, June 9, 2012

God in the Trees

I spent the last few days in suburban Virginia where I got to walk among lots of trees and watch lovely sunsets. This morning, back in the monastery, I happen to be leading a discussion with our Oblates on the Christian perspective on ecology and stewardship of the earth.  So this little story I came across a couple of weeks ago seems appropriate: today:
Some years ago the chief of a remote and primitive tribe in Africa was asked about his people’s notion of God. He replied, “We know that at nighttime somebody goes by in the trees out there, but we never speak of it.”

How fortunate we are to know so much more about the one who rustles the leaves at night! When I hear the breeze or watch the clouds or look at a majestic river rolling through a wooded valley, I can sense God’s presence, but I sense not just some anonymous creative force but the One who suffered and died out of love for me, who rose from death and brought me along.

This is also the God who appointed us humans to be stewards of creation; I wonder why we don’t take that part seriously any more?
"Somebody goes by in the trees out there, but we never speak of it.”

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