He’s a kid who I like and who always comes to say hello before and after class. We’ve talked at some length about his family life, especially about his very problematic father; I found that there are

That evening I prayed the Stations of the Cross by

This morning I was back in church for my meditation period, still feeling the sadness of last night’s sorrowful parade to Calvary. I decided to start off by

I smile as I remember the story from the Fioretti, a collection of edifying legends about the deeds of the wonder-worker Francis. On a cold winter’s day not unlike this one, the tale goes, Francis stopped in front of a bare almond tree and said, “Sister almond tree, speak to me of God!” And with that, the almond tree burst into a mass of lovely blossoms.”
That was quite an eye-opener at 6:10 in the morning! Here was the Lord challenging me to face all those negative feelings, all those suffering people I'm holding in my heart, and ask each of them to say something to me about God.
I thought again about my angry student, and how the episode had ended after school. I’d been so worried for him that I’d spent fifteen minutes after that class period yesterday tracking down Ivan Lamourt, our Assistant Headmaster and experienced guidance counselor, to tell him to grab this kid before something bad happens. During homeroom later in the day my sophomore friend found me and said “I’m sorry for what I did in class today.... And thank you for telling Mr. Lamourt about it; we talked and he’s going to help me.” I shook his hand and said "Apology accepted;" then I added, "Okay, now gimme a hug!" Surely he was speaking to me of God.

When I walk the Way of the Cross, then, with my suffering sisters and brothers, I need to keep before my eyes the underlying truth that the whole mystery of Calvary and of the resurrection and ascension, is first and foremost an expression of God's boundless love for all of us.
But since this love is infinite it will often be, by definition, incomprehensible to us. “For my

In the Letter to the Romans Paul spends three chapters (9-11) trying to fathom the problem of what is to become of the Jews under the new dispensation. Is God going to abandon his covenant with them? After three chapters he has still not managed to figure out what God has in mind. So he ends his long but unsatisfactory meditation with this exclamation:
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are his judgments and how unsearchable his ways! "For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor?" "Or who has given him anything that he may be repaid?" For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. (Rom. 11:33-36)
This evening I’m going to go and sit under a skylight in the lovely but forlorn novitiate study hall on the top floor of the monastery. As our community continues to shrink in numbers, this study hall has not seen a novice in ten years. And I’m going to say:
............"Okay, empty study hall, speak to me of God.”

.........................An almond tree in blossom
This may be off topic but I must say that you have a great style in writing. it is definitely creative and unique.