The gospel for Friday of the first week of lent is from the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5:20-26). It reads in part:

The principal problem seems to be that the “righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees” is external. There is nothing wrong with that, of course: since we are embodied creatures we need rites and rituals, symbols and sacraments; our external actions are crucially important. But Jesus challenges us to go beyond our external observances and look into our hearts.
In his Rule for Monks Saint Benedict places an emphasis on interior attitudes: when you obey, for example, your external obedience doesn’t count if your heart is grumbling. When you sing, he warns, be sure that you are not just singing words with your voice, but also with your heart.
We are all used to the idea that lent is about “doing” things, giving things

In order to balance the emphasis on external, measurable practices during lent, we might look at Jesus’ invitation to go beyond what is measurable. I think of what the fox told the little prince in Saint-ExupĂ©ry’s book by that title: “On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.” – “You only see well with your heart. What is essential is invisible to the eyes.”
Steps toward an Interior Lent
So then, what might an “interior lent” look like? Here are some thoughts about "changing my heart":

- I can keep an eye on my thoughts by looking into my heart in search of any little walls that might be starting to grow up between me and a brother or sister; walls start out as footings, beneath the surface and barely visible; they are subtle attitudes that can, however, quickly grow into walls that eventually cut me off from others.
- I can sit quietly each day with a scripture reading and ask myself what its message is, what

- I can cultivate an awareness of the world around me during lent, and cultivate the habit of constantly thanking God for the goodness and beauty that surround me but that often go unnoticed and unappreciated.
- You may find some more suggestions in a post I made last lent and think of many better ones on your own.
The "lent of the heart" will, of course, show itself in external actions, but this approach will help us avoid the criticism that Jesus made of the Pharisees, who did things externally without changing their hearts. It also has this advantage: these practices are ones that really could or even should be continued even once lent is over. They are simply good things for us Christians to do if we wish to grow closer to God.

..................“You only see well with your heart.
..................What is essential is invisible to the eyes.”
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