Monday, December 13, 2010


It's hard to believe that my most recent post was
the hundredth one!

I've found it very rewarding to share with you thoughts and ideas that I've come across or that I have come up with myself. In the past I would just have written such things down in my prayer journal where no one else would ever get to see them. So now I'm in the habit of putting those thoughts in my weekly blog where you have a chance to read them and maybe benefit from one or another of them.

I hope that the Lord will let me do a few hundred more!


  1. At least a few hundred, if not more. You're writing is God's gift to us.

  2. Keep writing, my SB friend! I am still amazed at how you have found your way in writing and how much you enjoy it. Keep writing. We enjoy it, too. :-)
