Saturday, May 7, 2022



When Jesus raised his eyes and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, he said to Philip, “Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?”  He said this to test him, because he himself knew what he was going to do. Philip answered him, “Two hundred days’ wages worth of food would not be enough for each of them to have a little [bit].” One of his disciples, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, said to him, "There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish..." (Jn 6:5-9)

Look again at this scene. Philip has just finished pointing out that there are thousands of hungry people standing by, way too many for the apostles to feed even with two hundred days wages. But then Andrew chimes in, "

Andrew: There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. 

Peter (angrily): Be quiet, Andrew! We've got a serious problem on our hands here! This is no time to be joking around!

Andrew (offended): Well, sorry! All I said was that there's this kid here with some bread and fish.

Thomas (sounding doubtful): Well, I'll be honest, I can't imagine how even Jesus is going to figure a way out of this situation!

Let's pause here for a moment and ask ourselves, What was Andrew  was thinking? 

Maybe he is just pointing out how impossible the situation was: all they have is five barley loaves and a couple of dried fish. I suspect that had I been in Andrew's spot, I would have tried to make exactly that point: realistically, we have just a ludicrously tiny amount of food, and so we're in an impossible situation. Or maybe Andrew is trying to help by  contributing whatever he could at the moment? 

In any case, let's pick up the dialogue as St. John tells it. While the apostles are staring at Andrew and laughing at his report about some kid with a few loaves of bread, there is one person in the group who isn't scoffing, and that is, of course, Jesus himself. He responds immediately:

Jesus (in a clear confident voice): Have the people recline.

Peter: But, Lord! We have nothing to give them!

Thomas (muttering to himself): Well, I'm afraid this is about to get embarrassing!

Jesus (smiling confidently): Andrew, go bring that boy over here, please. How many loaves did you say he has?

Andrew (answering over his shoulder as he goes to get the boy): Five, rabbi -- and two fish.  

Jesus (answering excitedly): Perfect! That should do just fine! (Turning to the other apostles) Now make sure everyone is sitting down, ready to eat. 

Thomas, his mouth gaping in disbelief, is standing still with the rest of the apostles. Peter quickly takes charge:

Peter (in his loud fisherman's voice): You heard him! Get the people to sit down. Let's move it! 


How many times has the Lord asked me tobe part of such an impossible scene in which he intends to make a way where I can't see any way? How many times do I shamefacedly show Jesus my inadequate little basket with its seven loaves and two fish only to see him break into a radiant smile and say "Perfect! That should do just fine?" I guess I just need to keep being Andrew when I find myself in an impossible situation, and offer the Lord what little I have. I know that he'll respond each time, "Perfect! That should do just fine!"

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