Monday, September 16, 2024


I’m still re-reading Richard Rohr’s book, “The Divine Dance”. The following two excerpts are out of a much wider context form the book, but I trust that they may still challenge you as they have challenged me. I offer them as food for your own reflection -- in other words, I'll let the Holy Spirit and you do the work this week.

You must guard and protect your inner space. This is precisely what Yahweh says to Israel, “I shall come to meet you.” But most have not been taught the practice or the patience to stand guard over this seemingly empty space where your inner witnessing presence, your quiet inner Knower, dwells. You must learn to trust this Knower. The Spirit is doing the knowing and loving in you, with you, and for you. This is at the heart of a contemplative, and truly Christian epistemology. 112

You yourself are a traveling ark of the covenant; you hold and guard the space where the Presence shows itself. But the Presence, the force field, is already held with in you. It only needs allowing and appreciate it. 113

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