“I led you for forty years in the wilderness. Your clothes did not fall from you in tatters nor your sandals from your feet” (Dt 29:4).
“The Lord therefore let you be afflicted with hunger, and then fed you with manna, a food unknown to you and your ancestors, so you might know that it is not by bread alone that people live, but by all that comes forth from the mouth of the LORD.The clothing did not fall from you in tatters, nor did your feet swell these forty years” (Dt 8:3-4).
Having hiked quite a few miles over the years I’m always attracted by the idea that the Jews’ sandals never wore out, nor did their feet swell during those forty year of walking. What a great image!
I reflected on these passages this morning, realizing how they apply to me and to my monastic community as we’ve traveled together. The Israelites did it for only 40 years in the desert, while I’m now working on 53 in the monastery - and my sandals are still in good shape and my feet haven’t started swelling yet. Besides, who’s counting, right? (One rabbi commenting on the first passage suggested that the children's shoes and clothes grew as the children grew in size during those desert years, but this seems a like a lot for a modern family to pray for.)
“Lord, please don’t stop that manna! Help me to both recognize and appreciate your bread when it comes from heaven into my life and the life of my community. Help us to rejoice in your help and not complain about it in any way. Help us to be nourished and sustained by it on our journey toward you and your kingdom. Amen."
Happy St. Benedict’s Day!
St. Benedict's Monastery on Monte Cassino |
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