The following is the text of a homily I'm giving at a wedding this afternoon. Since I don't have time to write a separate blog post, I'll share this instead.
People who know Peter and Diana would probably agree that they are “salt of the earth” kind of folks. So
as we come here this afternoon to witness their solemn exchange of marriage vows it is appropriate that the Church should give
us an opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount: “You are the salt of the earth.”
Nowadays we know that the
proper amount of salt is absolutely necessary for maintaining good health. But
in the ancient world salt was tremendously important because it was used for preserving perishable
goods, for purifying things, as an
antiseptic and of course for seasoning food. Even to this day in certain eastern countries to
eat of someone’s “salt” means to share in their hospitality.
It’s hard to overemphasize the importance of salt in
Jesus’ day. It was so important that Roman soldiers used to get paid in salt, which
gave us our English word salary.
So, Peter and Diana, I ask you to listen carefully when
Jesus tells you this afternoon that”You are the
salt of the earth” He’s saying to you
in biblical language “You are the most precious thing on earth.” You’ve already discovered
that about one another – That’s why all of us are here this afternoon.
And there’s something beautiful about salt: Salt is so
important just by being itself, just by being what God made it: salt! Just think about
it: If you are like salt, then you, too,
are the most precious thing around just
by being your real self! So our text is telling you that as you enter into this
marriage, then, you just need to bring your real, true, salt-of-the-earth self.
But what does that mean exactly? Well, I suggest that you find the answer if
you keep reading that scripture passage. It goes on to say: “If
salt loses its taste, how to you restore its flavor? It is good for nothing but to be cast out and
trodden underfoot.”

The Greek word Matthew uses for “losing its savor” comes from the root “moros” – “foolish;”

You should notice something else about the passage: “You are the salt of the earth:” the word “You” is plural: “Youze” are the salt of the earth. Your love is a gift you are giving to one
another, but your love is also a gift to all of us here. As a married couple
you are pledging to be salt for us as
well, to give our lives savor and zest.
That is a serious obligation that goes with the gift
God has given you: Both as individuals and now as a married couple you are the
salt of the earth. So pass it on. Share that gift with a world that so needs to be salted with the savor
of selfless love. With a world that has forgotten the flavor of faithfulness. Please,
be that for us!
One last thought about salt, and this will bring us to
the reason why the two of you are standing here this afternoon. In the Jewish
Scripture salt is a symbol of the covenant between God and his people. For
example in the Second Book of Chronicles King Abijah says “Do you not know that the Lord God of Israel gave the kingship over Israel for ever
to David and his sons by a covenant of salt?” (2 Chron 13:5) And in the Book of Numbers God
tells his people: “As a perpetual due I assign to you and to
your sons and daughters with you all the contributions of holy things which the
Israelites set aside for the LORD; this is a covenant of salt to last
forever before the LORD, for you and for your descendants with you”. (Num 18:19)
Salt, the only preservative the Israelites knew,
became a symbol of God’s ongoing, ever-enduring love for them. Diana and Peter,
you are entering into a special sacrament today, a “covenant of salt to last forever.” The wedding will last for a few hours this afternoon, but the marriage, that's for the long haul, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. It's a covenant of salt.
And we are here today to celebrate with you your alliance. And to witness your
solemn covenant with each other to love, honor and obey one other until death. To
be salt and light for each other.
And since today is a day for promising, in the name of
all of us here present I am also making you a promise. (Videographer, would you
please pan across the congregation - we
want to get all these faces on tape!) By our presence here we are promising that
when things start to get a little difficult, or when that salt starts to lose
its taste and you need some encouragement: just call on us!
Even if you just need someone to help paint the living
room in your new house, or maybe God willing, someone to watch the baby for
That is not just our promise, it’s also our request: Let
us be salt for you, too!
And now the
Church, as the people of the new covenant, of the new alliance now invites you
to stand and solemnize your gift of self in the sacrament of marriage.
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